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Festival Season: Ways To Get Through One Alcohol Free

Festival Season: Ways To Get Through One Alcohol-Free – A music festival, and no alcohol? You may well think that the two don’t necessarily go together. And for a lot of people, they don’t. But we do live in a time where more and more people are suffering from alcohol abuse and addiction, and they like music too!

Festivals can be problematic when it comes to drugs and alcohol and going to one in the early stages of sobriety, any alcohol rehab centre will tell you, is a big risk and a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Temptation is everywhere, but once you’re comfortable in your sobriety, there is no reason why you can’t enjoy a festival completely alcohol free.

Whether you are in recovery, or you just want to experience a festival without the hangovers, then there are plenty of tips out there to guide you through it smoothly and enjoyably…

Have a support network in place

Firstly, and especially for those who do suffer from addiction, having a support network in place is vital, just as it would be in your everyday life. You never know when cravings or temptation may come calling, so having people to guide you and support you through those difficult moments is hugely important.

They may be at the festival with you, or they may be at the end of a phone. Either way, having them on standby is always a good option.

Choose your camping area wisely

Choosing the perfect camping spot at a festival is always important, but it becomes paramount when trying to do one sober. The last thing you want is to be in the boozy, party area, so seek out where you feel it may be a little more relaxed.

Some festivals these days have alcohol free camping zones, while they will almost certainly have family and quiet zones where it’s a little more chilled out, and a better spot for trying to avoid alcohol.

Keep your days busy

By being active and keeping yourself busy right across the day, you’ll be concentrating your mind on other things, reducing the risk of alcohol creeping into it. There is so much more to music festivals than just music, so as well as all the great acts you’ll see, explore what else the festival has to offer.

Many these days have comedy tents, arts and crafts markets, workshops, talks and even classes on yoga and meditation, which will certainly be helpful in remaining sober across a festival. There’s so much to see and do at festivals these days, it almost seems a waste to be spending half your time at the bar!