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K-Beauty Write For Us: Submit Posts On Console, Guest Post And Contribute

My Favourite Celeb

K-Beauty Write For UsK-Beauty Write For Us

K-Beauty Write for Us – Love writing about skincare? Are you always wanted to have your writing published? Then yay, we’ve got good news! Our very own is now open to receiving contributor articles!

You don’t have to remain a professional writer to contribute, but we are looking for well-written pieces demonstrating a passion for Korean skincare or telling a unique story. Preferably, we are looking for original articles on the following subjects:

  • Your Korean skincare journey
  • Unique Korean skincare trends
  • In-depth product battles/ comparisons
  • Got your creative idea? Pitch it to us!

While we can’t offer financial compensation for now, we will tag and feature contributors on all our social media pages. There’s an opportunity for advancement to a role in the future!

Here’s what to do:

Email us your pitch/ article ideas to If you’ve already drafted a story you think might be right for us, send it! Please keep in mind that while we love to hear from all of you, we can’t always respond to every enquiry due to the large volume of emails we receive.

We are currently accepting writers for these niches –

Anime/Kpop/Gaming/Movie/News/Kdrama/Tech/Fashion/TV series/ hip-hop/K-Beauty and more.

If you have created a well-written and researched article or have come up with a great topic, pitch it to our team by emailing

What is Korean beauty, or K-beauty?

By now, you probably have already heard about Korean beauty, known as “K-beauty” for short, and might even be a fan of Korean beauty products and/or the infamous multistep Korean skin care regimen.

At a fundamental level, Korean beauty products originate and are made in Korea. The products are typically created with the Korean beauty philosophy in mind.

Guidelines and Tips for Writers

We expect you to follow the guidelines if you wish to publish your thoughts on our blog. Only the best guest posts will remain published on the blog.

  • Articles must be over 600 words (Ideally over 800) and include around 2+ photos (photos you own).
  • By writing a respected and worthy article according to the guidelines, writers have an excellent likelihood of their paper being accepted and for it to remain featured on the website.
  • The post should be well written.
  • If you don’t have any photos, then let MyFavouriteCeleb include them, as there could also be some photos relevant to your article that I will add.
  • Articles, after published, will not remain deleted or modified. Please do not contact us to make such requests, as they’ll not remain entertained.

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