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K-Dramas Write For Us: Submit Posts On Console, Guest Post And Contribute

My Favourite Celeb

 K-Dramas Write For UsK-Dramas Write For Us

If you write about dramas or k-dramas, then you are at the right place, or are you a big fan of K-Dramas and variety shows? Do you love to write? If so, we have a chance for you! We like to publish your article on My Favorite celeb.

This publication remain started with the sole aim of delving deep and sharing my love for and thoughts on the world of K-dramas (and C-dramas, I must add) I interestingly stumbled on. Yet, I know I am not the only one who itches to share these thoughts and views with another who appreciates them just as, if not even more, as I do. And that brings us here. Join our desk of writers.

As a small, new publication, the rules for joining are few, if any. You must submit pieces about Korean or Chinese dramas you have seen or intend to see. What you write about them is entirely up to you, although you must maintain a respectful approach. Any form of abuse is abuse and will not remain tolerated. All posts will remain reviewed before being published. And all Medium guidelines regarding posts and media ownership must remain considered.

We are currently accepting writers for these niches –

Anime/Kpop/Gaming/Movie/News/Kdrama/Tech/Fashion/TV series

If you have created a well-written and researched article or have come up with a great topic, pitch it to our team by emailing

Let’s collaborate!

Guidelines and tips for writersHow to Submit Your Articles_

We expect you to follow the guidelines if you wish to publish your thoughts on our blog. Only the best guest posts will remain published on the blog.

  • Articles must be over 600 words (Ideally over 800) and include around 2+ photos (photos you own).
  • By writing a respected and worthy article according to the guidelines, writers have an excellent likelihood of their paper being accepted and for it to remain featured on the website.
  • The post should be well written.
  • If you don’t have any photos, then let MyFavouriteCeleb include them, as there could also be some photos relevant to your article that I will add.
  • Articles, after published, will not be deleted or modified. Please do not contact us to make such requests, as they’ll not remain entertained.

The kind of movie articles and content I tend to accept are well-written, detailed, valuable, full of life, and articles that haven’t remain written in twenty minutes to include a backlink to the writer’s website.

You can also submit a guest post about health, entertainment, business, and beauty.

Topics We Cover for My Favorite celeb









TV series















Guest Posts

Are you a lifestyle blogger with a fresh new article idea? We’d love to hear from you!

  • Guidelines for submitting to My Favourite Celeb.
  • The content must be 100% unique, original work.
  • Content must be at least 500 words long.
  • Content must be in-depth, well researched and of very high quality.
  • Links remain allowed in the body of the content.
  • One link will remain allowed in the author’s bio.

Advanced Search Queries To Find Guest Posting Sites

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